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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/05/19
6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, May 19, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Suzanne Gottling, Vice-Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Emma Smith
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0136-0003-0000 169 Burkehaven Hill Rd Patrick & Caitlin Clapp
Parcel ID: 0136-0003-0000 169 Burkehaven Hill Rd Patrick & Caitlin Clapp
Parcel ID: 0238-0038-0000 270 Nutting Rd Allan Lemire
Parcel ID: 0147-0065-0000 48 Hamel Rd Joseph & Carol Maraldo
Parcel ID: 0145-0020-0000 430 Route 103B William Nolen
Parcel ID: 0128-0033-0000 78 Garnet St Deanna Divincenzo
Parcel ID: 0238-0039-0000 266 Nutting Rd Leander & Pamela Chute
Parcel ID: 0218-0054-0000 10 Apple Hill Rd Tanja Mauzy & William Shaffer
By Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Hastings Unanimous
Motion to approve the following After the Fact:
Parcel ID: 0136-0003-0000 169 Burkehaven Hill Rd Patrick & Caitlin Clapp
By Selectman Hastings seconded By Selectman Trow Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Land Disturbance Application:
Parcel ID: 0147-0065-0000 48 Hamel Rd Joseph & Carol Maraldo
Parcel ID: 0146-0035-0000 205 Waterlot Rd Oakledge Association
By Selectman Trow seconded By Selectman Gottling Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Property Tax Abatement:
Parcel ID: 0113-0020-0000 62 Ridgewood Rd Jeffrey & Donna Fitzgerald
By Selectman Hastings seconded By Selectman Trow Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Yield Tax:
Parcel ID: 0224-0010-0000 Sleeper Rd Michael & Connie Simmons
Parcel ID: 0203-0003-0000 179 Prospect Hill Rd Karen Chetty
Parcel ID: 0218-0018-0000 175 North Rd Douglas Richardson
By Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Hastings Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Excavation Tax:
Parcel ID: 0211-0011-0000 1106 Route 11 Michael & Elizabeth Lemieux
By Selectman Hastings seconded By Selectman Trow Unanimous

•Frederick Lane asked what the town does with the properties taken by tax deed; do they sell it or hold on to it? Chairman Gallup stated that the Town has to “sit” on the property for three years; the law provides that the right to repurchase and/or the right of a former owner to excess proceeds expires in three (3) years from the date the deed is recorded. However, for the more part, the Town does not like to take properties because then the Town would be responsible for the property. The Board has the option to not take a property by tax deed if conditions exist that make it more of a burden on the Town. Chairman Gallup went on to say, a number of properties that go to tax deed  each year, but each year they come up with the money. Donna Nashawaty said that there is one substantial property beyond the three years, its land only and the children of the previous owner have contacted the Town. Chairman Gallup stated that the Town does very well in collecting the taxes.        
•Janice Bettencourt asked if the members of the Board reviewed each one of the items for signature. Chairman Gallup explained the steps taken by Roger Landry, the Zoning Administrator, and the Town Assessors, who make sure the applications, comply with all the regulations before presenting for approval by the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen is like a “rubber stamp,” unless one of the Selectmen find a problem when reviewing, they approve the application on Roger Landry’s recommendation. Chairman Gallup went on to say that, the After-the-Fact Permit was one that Roger “caught,” they did not apply for a building permit before doing the work. Frederick Lane asked why the Town did not make the offender put the project back to its original state. Chairman Gallup replied that the offender pays an after –the –fact fee, but if what they had done something that did not comply with the zoning regulations, they would have to tear it down.
•Frances Harris questioned why the Water & Sewer Department are selling the F550 truck and why is it not sufficient for their needs. Donna Nashawaty stated that in order to do future planning, there is life expectancy with commercial vehicles; the vehicle bought in 2004 was on the ten (10) year plan to be replaced. In addition, this is a front-line truck and the only dump truck the department have, which you would have a more aggressive replacement plan. The F550 truck would not be a front-line truck for the Highway Department.        
•John Augustine asked Selectman Gottling what type of employee pay structure does the County have in terms of increases; do they have steps, plus the annual cola. Selectman Gottling replied that the County is a little more complicated because some of the employees are “union” employees. However, in general it is very similar to what is at the Town of Sunapee.   

•Donna Nashawaty gave details on the F550 Truck that the Highway Department is interested in purchasing from the Water and Sewer Commission, but needs the Board’s permission to ask the Water and Sewer Commission to consider an offer from the Town. Donna Nashawaty would also need the Board’s authorization to withdraw $6,000 from the Used Equipment Capital Reserve, if the Water and Sewer Commission accepted the offer. Motion to allow the Town Manager to ask the Water & Sewer Commission consider the purchase of the F550 truck and that the Board authorizes the withdrawal of to $6,000 from the Used Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for the potential purchase by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous
•At the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting Donna Nashawaty made the Board aware of one of the tax-deeded properties that would be paying 100% of the amount due, including the first issue 2014 tax bill. This is the deed returning the property back to the Fitzgeralds. Motion to grant to Jeffrey & Donna Fitzgerald the property at Map 113 Lot 20, 62 Ridgewood Road by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous  

•Chairman Gallup asked for an update on the Perkins Pond Sewer Project. Donna Nashawaty stated that users who signed up for announcements received an update last Friday, which also posted to the Water & Sewer Department home page on the website.
•Selectman Gottling updated the Board on County Budget Meeting

Donna Nashawaty reviewed the “draft” guidelines and would like some input from the Board on the proposed Time Bank Policy. The “time bank” would be established to accumulate leave for the benefit of another employee who is unable to work due to an illness or injury or life changing event and has exhausted all previously earned paid leave. Donna Nashawaty will make the necessary changes to the policy and bring to the next meeting for the Board to adopt. Frances Harris asked if someone gets to the end of the year, and has  vacation time left over after carrying over the allowed 40 hours, would that automatically go into the time bank. Donna Nashawaty replied that she was proposing that it would go into the “time bank.” Don Bettencourt asked what was currently happening to those dollars.
Do they go back to the taxpayers? Donna Nashawaty explained that currently there are really no dollars associated with the hours. Don Bettencourt asked what happens to the hours, there is no compensation, and it would be converted into dollars and go into the time bank, which would be an expense to the taxpayer. Donna Nashawaty said that was correct.
•The Board reviewed the monthly budget summary through April 30th.
•Donna Nashawaty interviewed three (3) good candidates for the Information Booth Attendant position.

Meeting adjourned at 8:06PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman      Suzanne Gottling, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Joshua Trow     

_________________________               _____________________________
Emma Smith